On Monday, November 8, 2010 a lady from the Polk County human service arrived.
She said she wanted to know if any of the information they had since last year has changed in order to continue to receive the free meals.
The forms she brought for John Butterworth included some things about his medical information.
I made several attempts to ask the lady why the medical information was required for the free meals.
She interrupted me each time and even said, "I stepped past my boundary."
She was very rude and did not have a problem letting me know it.
I did not get any direct answer to the question I tried to ask her.
Why did she want so much medical information for some free meals?
John said he was being taken care of by the doctors at the Veterans Administration.
When John was signing the forms I asked her if we could have copies of the forms he was signing.
She said we could have the copies.
After John signed several forms she put them in a folder and gave us some other papers.
I said these are not copies of the forms that he signed.
She said yes they are then handed me some other papers and left.
She lied. She was in and out of here in 10 minutes.
I read the forms after she left and discovered they were not just about the free meals.
The writing on the forms included information on how Polk County authorities may collect written and verbal information from doctors.
Mr. Butterworth only wanted the free meals. He does not want the Polk County government to make any decisions concerning his health or his finances.
We decided we didn't want their free food anymore and called the number on the form (863) 534-5321.
I first spoke with Leah Wilson and began to tell her what happened.
She connected me a supervisor named Alice Brown.
I told Alice what happened and repeated what the lady said when she told me 'I stepped past my boundary' when a tried to ask her about the medical information concerning the free meals.
I also said I had every right to ask those questions.
Alice agreed with the fact that I had the right to ask the questions and apologized.
Then I let Alice know she was not the one who offended us.
It was the lady from Polk County Human Service who offended us in the living room.
And I said we do not want the free meals or any of the services they were providing.
The meals were not that good and they cut the service in half since last year.
Then I asked her if she wanted to speak with John. She said yes.
I was in the room at the time and heard John say he wanted them to cancel everything and he was being taken care of by the Veterans administration. He also did not want the free meals either.
These actions are deceptive and can be very harmful if the Polk County decides to make their own decisions concerning medical treatments for others.
John already has doctors who have been taking care of his cancer treatments and doesn't want any deceptive Polk County organization to have control over his current medical treatments or his finances.
December 9, 2009 1:19 pm
Polk County Human Services
November 8, 2010 3:48 pm
Polk County Human Service
November 8, 2010 3:58 pm
Polk County Human Service
Polk County Board of County Commissioners may use Protected Health Information for the purpose of treatment, payment, and health care operations, in most cases without your written permission.
For Treatment: We may give your Protected Health Information to other health care providers involved with your treatment and may transfer your Protected Health Information via radio or telephone to the hospital or dispatch center.
For Payment: This includes any activities we must undertake in order to get reimbursed for the services we provide to you, including such things as submitting bills to insurance companies, making medical necessity determinations and collecting outstanding accounts.
For Health Care Operations: This includes quality assurance activities, licensing, and training programs to ensure that our personnel meet our standards of care and follow established policies and procedures, as well as certain other management functions.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
David Hollingsworth came by with a box of food this morning.
I told David that John and I both told Alice Brown that we did not want their services anymore.
Later on at 3:41pm, Alice Brown called from Polk County services and asked if we wanted to keep the free food service. I told her that we did not want any of their services anymore and also asked her if we could get copies of the forms that John signed.
She said yes.
Alice Brown called from Polk County services
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 ========================
David Hollingsworth came by with another box of food this morning.
I was surprised for two reasons:
1. John and I both told Alice Brown that we did not want their services anymore.
2. The food service reduced deliveries to every other week and this was only one week after his last delivery.
I asked David why the form on his clip board said ‘resume’. He said he did not know why.
John and I refused the delivery and David left. I called Alice Brown at about 9:30AM and asked her why they resumed delivery of food we did not want.
She said that since the food was accepted last week that she assumed that we still wanted the service.
I told her that the delivery last week was in the morning. And when she called me later on that afternoon, I told her again that neither John nor I wanted any of the services from them.
Again I asked Alice when she was going to send the copies of the forms that John signed. She said she still had the note on her desk and she would get them to me.
I also asked her the name of the lady that was here last week.
Alice said her name was Miss Kensey (spelling?).
Why did Alice think it would be anybody’s best interest to “assume” that we wanted their services after we specifically told her and David last week that we do not want any of their services.
November 16, 2010 - 8:20 am
David Hollingsworth
November 16, 2010
David Hollingsworth

$7.19 for a frozen dinner.
Viste is one of several Polk county organizations that take private information from the recipients of their free food service.
They use their volunteers to gather sensitive private information in the guise of updating their files.
If you try to ask why they are asking for social security numbers on the phone, they get upset and evasive concerning what they are doing.
They use their volunteers to gather sensitive private information in the guise of updating their files.
If you try to ask why they are asking for social security numbers on the phone, they get upset and evasive concerning what they are doing.
. Viste Volunteers - 11/24/2010
. Viste Food
“We’ve got nine months, it will be a deliberative process, looking at our strategic planning,” said board member Steve Bissonnette, who will lead a search committee. “We really have to look at the whole operation. Alice has taken on many additional responsibilities beyond her job description.”
Alice O'Reilly Retiring as Executive Director of VISTE
August 27, 2013 - 12:40pm
New Tampa Hwy.
Lakeland, Florida 33815
One Click
And there is a new One Click service.
W.H.A.T. is a good question.
What service fees are they hiding ?
March 18, 2015
Polk Vision article
"What we found is the power in collaboration," Chalos said.
That means bringing together existing organizations, coalitions, individuals, businesses, events, locations, transportation, technology, goodwill and other resources, she said — not just money.
Polk's will span the entire county and create teams to address problems with education, economic development, infrastructure, government, quality of life and civic engagement.
Building a Healthier Polk, created by Polk Vision
A vision that creates ?
More power, money, government to Polk Vision creators is what this is.
More Polk deception is really what we need to be forewarned about.
Especially any man made vision.
Polk Vision article with hints of what Polk Vision is.
"Auburndale is a perfect example of how government works to support the economic development and growth of the city," said Sara Roberts, Polk Vision's secretary who led the group.
Such a visionary article blinding Polk public residences.
The writing on the wall says its
" Their Vision " and they are
" Changing Your Perception Of Government "
They use such illusionary ways to mask their leadership corruptions.
Leadership Polk is a subsidiary of Polk Vision, which is a collection of similar-valued residents from across the county.
Steve Lester, the Polk County Sheriff Office's chief of staff;
County Commissioner Todd Dantzler,
County Property Appraiser Marsha Faux,
Assistant Tax Collector Randy Hunt
Clerk of Courts Stacy Butterfield.
So these are the valued residents of Polk county.
My what a tiny web that is weaved.
What deceptions are planned for the unvalued residents ?
What deceptions are ongoing for this Auburndale resident ?
There may be somebody in the class who has a connection with a business
"We're proud of what we've had," Sherrouse said. "We've had a lot of success - the city has - in partnering with industrial and commercial and other local governments. "
Big companies in partnership with oppressing governments.
Giving more power to do what they want despite what is right.
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